Building Stronger Futures: First State Partners with Local Schools to Teach Kids To Save

Teach Kids To Save

Building Stronger Futures: First State Partners with Local Schools to Teach Kids To Save

Throughout April, in celebration of Financial Literacy Month, our branches have been actively engaged in our communities, educating children on the value of saving. Our dedicated employees have visited 15 schools across our regions, delivering presentations to around 780 eager young students.

Equipped with an arrangement of engaging financial literacy books, interactive handouts, and the incentive of their very own First State piggy banks, we aimed to make the learning experience both informative and enjoyable for elementary students. We believe in fostering a culture of financial awareness and responsibility among the next generation, and these interactions provide a crucial platform for instilling lifelong habits of wise financial management.

As we engage with students, our aim is not only to convey knowledge but also to ignite within them a genuine excitement and readiness to take charge of their financial futures. We are so grateful for the opportunity to connect with our community's youth and play a part in shaping their journey towards financial empowerment.

There are many ways you can help strengthen your child’s understanding of money at home. Check out From Piggy Banks to Paychecks: Teaching Kids to Save at Every Age and Interactive Ways to Teach Your Children About Money for some ideas.